Myrne: The Quest

Immerse yourself in the Myrne world in this first-person RPG


October 9, 2018

Myrne 6313 - Skills

Hey everybody! I started working on Skills some days ago. Like I did with the game items and quests, I transitioned to ScriptableObjects to make my life easier. Creating a skill (name, picture, description and steps, not the code behind it) is super easy with those, I just have to  create a new file and fill the informations in the Inspector window). I promise, I'll make a post about ScriptableObjects one day :D For this game, skills...

October 1, 2018

[Video] Myrne 6313 - New gunplay

Hey everyone! Remember when I was talking about the new accuracy system, movements, etc...? (psst, no idea what I'm talking about? This way please...) I made a video showcasing all that, and a little (but really nice) addition. I changed the way the guns are displayed on your character so that the guns now face the crosshair. Bullets are also shot from the gun's tip instead of the middle of the player character. This is a small change but it...

September 17, 2018

Unity - Fixing the "importing small assets" bug

Hey guys! I'm getting back at Myrne 6313 after a kinda long period (about a month) of not doing much on the project. The reason? A very annoying bug that I wasn't able to fix. I saw some people also having this bug and didn't find a solution that worked for me and finally came up with my own fix (kinda). I tought I'd share it. Hope that will help! Nothing much to say about the game today since that issue slowed the development of the game intensively....

August 10, 2018

Myrne 6313 - Guns accuracy, recoil...

Hey everyone! Since I worked on very boring, UI related stuff those last few days but I promised to talk about the game in a regular basis, I guess I'll have to find something to talk about :D No worries, since the last couple of videos I showed, I drastically improved the gun play of the game. So let's talk about that! The bad Accuracy Since Myrne 6313 is an RPG, the gun play is tied to the player's stats. This, of course, mean the damages...

August 3, 2018

Back to the blog! Myrne 6313 presentation

Hey guys, gals...! I decided to get back to my devblogs! I used to write on the french version of the blog when I was working on my previous games (well, less for "Myrne: The Quest"). I decided to do that again except this time I'll mostly write on the international version, which means here ;) Anyway, let's talk about something that's not 100% boring and self-centered. Presenting Myrne 6313 Wait! Didn't you release this game an eternity...

June 1, 2017

Myrne: The Quest - Steam release

Hey guys and gals! My newest RPG is finally ready! Myrne: The Quest is available on Steam. I hope you'll like it :)...

March 24, 2017

Game design: Donner du punch à vos attaques

Huh?! Why is this in french?! I messed up in Blogger and published some posts on the wrong blog. I'm letting those posts here in case anyone bookmarked them or something... Yep :/ Salut les lecteurs (et les autres aussi) ! Aujourd'hui on va parler un peu de game design et si vous savez lire un titre, vous devez déjà savoir qu'on parlera plus précisément d'attaques. Pour une fois, je ne vais pas parler spécifiquement d'Unity, j'estime que ces...